2002 Kawasaki ZX6 — "Ninja 600"

While I was working on a contract for Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, IA, one of the employees posted a listing for this bike that he wanted to sell. It had 1100 miles on it at the time. I suspect that the winters are long enough that the bike didn't get ridden that much. Ice covered roads and two wheels don't exactly mix, I guess. I haggled with him for awhile and ended up getting it for $3100. Not a bad price for a bike that was in virtually brand new condition. He kept it garaged and since I didn't have a garage, I tended to either keep it on the front porch area of my apartment or actually inside of my living room. Well, at least I did until I started getting harassed by the apartment management.

Although my apartment was fairly close to my office, I tended to ride this bike instead of driving my truck to work since Rockwell had reserved parking for motorcycles very close to the entrance doors. Since I usually arrived after all the factory workers had changed shift, the parking lot tended to be rather full and I would end up parking rather far away if I drove my truck in that day. Actually, I would end up parking far enough away that it probably took me longer to walk from my parking spot to my office than it did for me to drive from my apartment to the company.

This is the photo that the previous owner had of it on the Rockwell Collins buy-sell newsgroup.